
Sunday, November 04, 2012

1 load, 2 loads, 3 loads more

I had one goal when I woke up this morning. 
Get a load dropped off at the Goodwill.
I still have tons of baby items around our house- clothes, toys, crib sheets, blankets, shoes, books, puzzles......the list goes on and on.  It's time to start parting with these things.
I spent a few hours this weekend looking through tubs of clothes.  The girls went through their stuffed animals and toys and helped me identify the toys they are ready to part with.

I wish it were easier for me to do this.  I always have great intentions but once I get started I get an overwhelming sadness over me and I start thinking about these girls and how much they have grown.
I realize that an outfit is just an outfit.  I probably have a picture of them in it and keeping the outfit won't magically reverse their growing process and turn them back into a little baby.
And really, I don't want them to be babies again.  They are so fun just the way they are.
It's getting a little easier to do this type of stuff while the kids are home so hopefully we can keep this up- a little at a time.
I made 3 trips to Once Upon a Child this weekend and a trip (truckload) to the Goodwill.  It feels good to have made a dent but there is so much more to do....


Kari said...

I feel teary-eyed now. :(
Good for you, though. Wanna come over to my house next

Patience said...

LOVE the purging - but I agree, it's hard to do it with the kid's stuff!