
Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday turns Scrap Friday

Black Friday.
It's become a little tradition over the past few years- Stacey, Tammy and I join the rest of the crazies shopping while the normal people are sleeping.
This year however, the stores decided to play a little trick on us and open Thursday evening at 8 pm!!
It was very exciting for most people but for us it was disappointing.
What is fun about going out to shop at 8 pm?
Not to mention that it was a holiday and the poor workers...yeah, yeah....
Tammy and Stacey decided to brave Albertville around 9 pm when they opened and we would meet up later. 
They came and picked me up around 11:30 pm and we headed out. 
They dropped me back off at home around 7:30 am.  My family was already awake so after a few kisses and snuggles, Brian took the girls downstairs so I could get some sleep. 
After lunch we all headed out to a few more stores.  We got home in time for Hailey's nap and after she went down Hannah and I were back at it.
We stopped into Archivers and Hannah really wanted to buy something.  They had a black Friday special- $1.99 for a pack of paper.  She really wanted it.  So, she used her money and bought it.  We decided that it would be fun for her to make her own scrapbook.
After dinner I helped Hannah get set up to start in on her book.
She was so excited to work on her book and actually did a really good job with it. 

Here is one of the pages that she made.  If you look really close you can see that she used letter Q's (tiped sideways) for letter a's in her name.  I especially love this because when she writes her name her a's look like Q's.  Think about it.....nobody really writes a letter a like this: a.

I was pretty tired after dinner and Hannah was pretty excited to start on her scrapbook.  You can imagine what happens when you mix a sleep deprived- crabby mom and an excited 5 year old little girl together (I know, unfair- I brought it on myself!).  Yep-- a mom that is frustrated and probably yells a little bit.  Hannah finally broke me and although I didn't want to, I gave in to help her.  I got out her book and helped her cut her background papers to fit inside the pages.  Once we were about half way done she put her hand on my knee and said "Mom, I am sorry that I was yelling at you and bothering you to help me."   It broke my heart. 
I then apologized to her for being frustrated and we hugged then continued on working.
Watching her work on that book for the rest of the night was a pleasure. 
A kick in the you-know-what to myself to remember to be more patient and present.
She has so much fun and I had almost denied her of that because I was tired.


Kari said...

That is such a cute picture of Hannah. And I noticed (and loved) the Q's too. Precious.

I can't imagine shopping ALL NIGHT. Insane, yet probably fun...? Right? Did you get anything good? :)

Scrapbooking with the kids is hard - I hear you. It takes all my patience and then some when the kids want to scrapbook with me, so now I wait until they are asleep. Now I feel bad. Think this week we'll try some scrapping together as a family :)

Jennie said...

Pic of Hannah--that chin!! ;-)

And that's what makes you both (yes, Kari--speaking to you too) such awesome Moms. Not to mention, why do you think those kids want to scrapbook so badly, hmm? :-) Love that they get into it!