
Saturday, March 10, 2012

My poor baby

This morning we were outside playing.
We came in to eat lunch and Hailey was just 'off'.
She was crying and acting out of sorts.
We put her to bed soon after we came in and within 20 minutes of laying her down she was screaming "owie!"
As soon as I walked in her room I knew we were in need of a doctor.
We packed up, headed to the Minute Clinic at Target and within 30 minutes had a Rx for Amox and numbing ear drops.

Inside this cute little ear is a bulging red ear drum trying to bust open :-(
Not if Mama has anything to say about it!

While we were checking in/registering as a new patient at the clinic Hailey was holding her ear and screaming and crying.  We were done filling out the necessary screens on the computer (finally) and sat down and waited to get called back.  Hailey continued to cry which broke my heart and you can imagine what happened next.
Yep- mom started crying along with her.
Then if you know Hannah you know that as Hailey and mommy are sitting there crying she was taking care of us.  Holding our coats and purses and asking the lady when it would be our turn.
Our 'mom' got us back into the room and as the Nurse Practioner asked us about the symptoms and history I was happy that she was there to help fill in while I got myself together.
Of course I wasn't blubbering and I was fine to talk but it was crazy to watch that little 'mommy' step into that role and take over for me when she thought I needed it.  Thanks buddy! 

1 comment:

Patience said...

Ah, what a cute story - at least the Hannah part - heartbreaking about Hailey! I hate when they're in pain and there's nothing you can do! Gotta love the minute clinic!