
Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm Glad I'm Not a _______

Sing to the tune of 'Have you ever met a Lassie?'

Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey, a turkey, a turkey
Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

They stuff you, they bake you
they all want to taste you

Oh I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

Hannah called Stacey to sing her this song.  When she was done she said "Now you try!"
Stacey said "I'll practice and learn it and we can sing it tomorrow."
Hannah's response "Put Shane on the phone."

Shane was busy so she had to wait until she saw him.
He wanted to hear her song.

She started like this "I'm glad I'm not a chicken....no- wait- I'm glad I'm not a rooster....no, no- wait- What is it again mom?"


1 comment:

Patience said...

I bet that is a number one hit at the turkey farm in Nov! Adorable!