
Monday, February 04, 2013

Monkeys and Adam

I came into work today and this was slid underneath my door.
It was from Katie, a consultant we have at work helping us with Allscripts for the next two years.
She said she saw it on the plane and thought of me right away so she brought it in.

Reminds me of other times when people have brought in monkey things or emailed me pictures because when they saw them they thought of me.  So, I guess my legacy is that I liked monkeys and Adam Levine.....hopefully that's not the only impression I make on people.

The Maroon 5 concert is coming up on Monday, March 4th- Loriann and I have tickets and are suppose to be going with Jennie.  Problem- we have class that day in Madison.  Neither of us are looking forward to missing it so we have already started to look into ways of making it possible.  
Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

Patience said...

I can see your tombstone already, lover of monkies and Adam.... How great is it that you not only make such a positive impression on people that they bring you things?!