
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scrapfest - Day 2

This year we decided to only make the cute things that we knew that we would use so out of the close to 30 booths that were there, we probably only visited 11-12.  It was perfect!  One year from now you will probably see these things actually used instead of sitting in a ziploc in a box serving it's only purpose to prove that I was there.

We waited in this line for over an hour today and when we got to the front they gave us this whole kit.  We decided to take the kit and leave.  We could easily follow directions to create this at home.  Thanks Little Yellow Bicycle!

Wanna know what happens when you stay up scrappin' all night and then decide to get up early so you can stand in line all morning?

You might close your arm in your straighner instead of your hair....
That's gonna leave a mark :-(


Jennie said...


That does NOT LOOK OKAY!!! :-(

Patience said...

OH wow - that looks BAD. Thank heavens you're in healthcare and you know exactly what to do: AVOID DOING THAT AGAIN! :-)