
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Promise me you won't do it

I'll admit it.
I am a little crazy.

Tonight Brian was at Shane's for a football draft and I was home with the girls.
It was Hannah's birthday eve so for her last meal as a three (teen) year old I treated her to her favorite- Old McDonalds.  The girls had chicken nuggets, fries, and chocolate milk.

Before Hannah went to sleep we talked about how old she would be in the morning.  (How could she have forgotten, we have been counting down for the last 10 days!)

I tried to talk her into not growing up but she wasn't having any part of it. 
We decided it would be fun to measure her tonight before bed and then check again in the morning to see how much bigger she would be as a four year old.

The pink mark- how tall Hannah was the last time she was three
She could hardly sleep.  A few times she called me into her room to tell me how excited she was about her party and one time she even asked me to turn on the light so she could just check one last time how big she was.  She eventually fell asleep. 
After I closed her door and started walking away it hit me.  I just said goodnight to Hannah for the last time as a three year old.  Just then the tears started rolling down my face.  Three (teen) year old Hannah was FUN!  We have watched her grow up so much this year.  I sure am going to miss her.

1 comment:

Patience said...

Four is only going to be better... But, any time you need a fix of three year old Hannah, you have the blog to help you visit her!