
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Easy for who?

We were in Hannah's room cleaning out her closet when she looked up and spotted her Easy Bake oven.
For the next 15 minutes the only thing she talked about was how we should bake cookies and cakes for all of her friends.
She was so excited and was very persistent.  I had plans to clean out both girls closets and then tackle my own today but I could tell that my plans were about to change.
I finished up what I was in the middle of and then we got out a bowl, some water, flour (for our hands), the cooking spray and a spoon and started to make cookies.
Step 1:  the oven needs to preheat for 15 min (Have you ever waited 15 minutes with an excited kid?!)
Step 2: while waiting for the oven to preheat, add water to the mix and stir (this step does not take 15 minutes, your little one is still super excited)
Step 3:  flour your hands and then make little balls of dough to place in the pan.  3 balls per pan, 2 pans (only one of these pans can cook at a time and take 10 minutes to cook- the kid is still bouncing)
Step 4: after stalling and waiting, the first batch is finally ready but because you can't see inside the oven you go by the suggested time and the 10 minute cook time was too much and burnt the first batch (now your little excited one is still excited but also disappointed)
Step 5: the second batch goes in and to waste more time you go through the cabinet looking for sprinkles, frosting, anything that you can pull out to put on the cookies once you take them out (this time sooner than 10 minutes)
Step 6: cookies come out, get decorated (excited child is now eating that decorated cookie and is really excited to make another batch)

So....we start the next batch.  This is a full batch, not the teaser batch size like you get with the oven.  This batch has enough to fill 6 pans worth of cooking.  SIX! 

Step 1: this time already done
Step 2:  stir the mix, shape into balls, cook 8 minutes
Step 3:  Cookie is out (these are s'mores ones so we melt the chocolate in the warming tray, make the marshmallow creme and layer on the cookie)
Step 4:  taste test
Step 5:  my excited child tells me that I can just finish for her

Only 5 more batches to go....

This is where most moms would probably tell their excited child to get her little butt back to this table and finish what she started.  This mom let her run off to play and called her back to the table to do the 'fun part' (shaping the balls and flattening them in the pan) and then run off to play while I sat and waited for the cookies to finish baking.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little annoyed but then when it was all said and done she gave me a hug and said "Mom, thanks for letting me bake with my own oven today."


Patience said...

Whew! What a baking marathon! Just consider this the first step to turning over all of the cooking and baking to Hannah. By the age of 7, she'll be preparing 5 course meals!

Jennie said...

yikes! I don't remember them being so much work haha