
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Somebody loves her new sweatshirt

Tammy brought us some clothes that no longer fit Chloe. 
We hit the motherload!  Adorable clothes- TONS of jeans

In the bag we found this Hello Kitty sweatshirt.  Hailey was real interested in wearing it so I was thrilled to see that it was a size 2T.  I dressed her this morning, brought her upstairs so she could show daddy, then sat her on the couch to eat some breakfast so I could finish getting dressed myself.
I come back to the living room to find that she hasn't made a dent in her chocolate donut and her hand is in her pocket.  Isn't it adorable?!

Later that day we were outside playing.  I tried to get her to put on a coat (with sleeves) and she was NOT happy.  She took the coat from me and threw it and then pointed to the sweatshirt (with a zipper-which in her minds meets the qualifications) as if to say "NO!  I am wearing this!"

Here's a little video that I captured...


Kari said...

oh my gosh how funny!

Patience said...

She is SO cute! Super cas with the hand in the pocket. Adorable!