
Friday, September 09, 2011

Happy Birthday Bean Machine!

You didn't listen very well.

I have been telling you for the past year that you are not allowed to get any bigger!
I was even going to go so far as to cancel your birthday :-)

Nothing worked.  You woke up today a very happy 4 years old!

Your auntie Jennie pretty much sumed it up for me (this was taken from her blog entry)

If she only knew how badly she was wanted in this world.

If she even only knew the lengths her parents went to, just to be able to someday meet her.
If she only knew how long we all waited for her, and how happy we all were once we got the news.
If she only knew we had heard those words before.
There are certain things in life that happen and can cause the worst pain to those you care about most. And there's nothing you can do but hope. In this case, it was my sister.

Watching my sister wait to become a mother was one of those difficult cases of life's uncertainties.
If she could have only heard the excitement in her mom's voice finally telling us, 'it's a girl!'

Sept. 9, 2007: if she only knew how anxiously I was awaiting her arrival!
If she only knew I was watching the Mtv VMA awards the night I was told that Amy was in labor. If she only knew I was told not to rush down to the hospital; it could be hours.
If she only knew I was called not even an hour later telling me, she was here! I grabbed my keys and off I went. I pulled into St. Johns hospital barely putting my car in park before I yanked the key out of the ignition and hurried to the maternity ward.
If she only knew how much i thought she looked like Brian when I finally got to hold her.
If she only knew that I cried.
If she only knew how chubby her cheeks were and how her feet were always tangled.

If she only knew what a bubbling personality she quickly developed. And how she has been cracking us up ever since.
If she only knew that Grandpa Dan and his puppets can never keep up with her chatterbox.
If she only knew how lucky Hailey is to have her as big sister. Protective and proud.

If she only knew chocolate cake, brownies, and chocolate donuts with chocolate sprinkles do not constitute as dinner...

If she even knew how infectious her smile is. You can't help but reciprocate. In fact, I dare you...
If she only knew that I cannot wait until the day I can take her shopping with me. She loves her clothes, shoes and accessories, and I love that she loves her clothes, shoes and accessories.
If she even knew that she's become my little buddy. Nails, clothes, hair, repeat.
If she only knew that she really is a Princess, despite her belief that she's not because she doesn't own glass slippers—if she only knew they're just a bonus. And besides, I passed that tiara off to her years ago...

If she only knew what a sweet, bright, generous, beautiful, fun-spirited little four year old she has grown into!!

♥ Today is her birthday and I wish her the happiest of them. ♥
Princess Bieber style!

p.s. If she only knew she would never have to bribe me to come to her birthday party ;-) 

What a perfect tribute to my little Bean Machine.  It is also the perfect reminder to remind me why I am blogging in the first place.  Sometimes it gets tough to keep up.  It's hard with everything else that is going on to stop, find a picture, figure out what to say, sit at the computer, upload the pic, etc. Then during this process I can see that everyone else has posted or caught up so I get side tracked reading and commenting.  It takes time and sometimes in a world where everything is moving at 100 miles per hour time feels like the one thing that there will never be enough of.

We did work hard for this one.  It took us over three years, lots of medical intervention and the suffering of two miscarriages just to get the chance to one day meet her. 

She is worth every single second.

I miss our three (teen) year old already but I just know that the four year old Hannah will be worth it!

P.S.  First thing I was ordered to do tonight- measure the Birthday girl.  Look what happened!  She grew ;-)


Jennie said...

Glad you liked it! :-)

And don't worry--I have a feeling 4year old Hannah will be just as much fun if not more than 3 year old Hannah.

Patience said...

WOW - what are you feeding that child?!