
Friday, September 23, 2011


Kleenex everywhere!
Every year starting in August we start purchasing kleenex and allergy meds.  Brian has horrible allergies and is miserable until the first frost.  Some years it starts earlier, sometimes it will come later but one thing is for sure....it's coming.  As far as the years go, this year doesn't seem to be so bad (yet).  Although, instead of one sneezing, runny nose, not feeling well human in this house we have three.  Both girls seem to have inherited their daddy's seasonal allergies :-(  Poor things.

Hannah has been sneezing and coughing a lot and each time I ask her if she's ok she answers with "Yeah, I'm ok.  I have the allergies."

1 comment:

Patience said...

Does she have The Neti Pot too? Because she needs one...maybe they make one with Minney Mouse on it... As another option: if you move to Alaska the alLergies here are practically nonexistent.