
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I wanna hear....

I have always known that Hannah has quite the memory.  She will pull stuff out that amazes me.  Things that she remembers that we haven't been talking about or even have pictures from to jog her memory.  It's just stuff that she genuinely remembers. 

When she is requesting music she typically will tell me she wants to hear { insert song name or artist here } but every so often she can't remember the name or who sings it. 

In these cases it sounds something like this...

Sometimes her description is so good that I know right off the bat what she is talking about. 

"Play that song with the old man and that funny jacket" = Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs

"Play that song with the guy crossing his arms, in that one shirt" = Stay Here by Lee DeWyze

Tonight she actually made me work a little....

"Mom, play that squiggly line full of people song"

Took me a few minutes to figure this one out!

1 comment:

Patience said...

Wow. With that memory, I think I should hire her to take my tests....