
Monday, September 19, 2011

More from Hannah's Tastebuds

Tonight the girls were having hotdogs.

Who wants ketchup?
Hailey : "ME!"
Me:  "Hannah, would you like any ketchup?"
Hannah:  "No sanks, just white dip please."
Me: "*gulp* You aren't going to eat that buddy.  I'll put it on your plate and you can dip it if you want."
Hannah: "No, put it right here on my hotdog.  I will like it."

She did and ate the whole thing.


Jennie said...

please tell me that's ranch...and not mayo *blehck*

Either one is bad but ranch has sort of taken off as a generic 'dipping sauce', people put that stuff on anything!

Patience said...

I can't do it. White sauce. I hope Violet doesn't take after Hannah.... Mike will have to feed her if she does.