
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You at TWO!

Happy Birthday Hailey Monster!

You sure are mommy and daddy's little miracle baby. 

As I sit on your birthday and remember the moments that occured on that day leading up to your arrival it shouldn't be any surprise to me that you have the personality that you do.
I had my first contraction around 9:30 pm that night and less than 2 hours later you were born.  You decided you were coming and no one was going to stop you!    We should have known at that time that you would be independent and making your own rules as you go.

Every night your Da Dee and I share glances across the room as we watch you grow into your personality.  You have come out of your shell so much in the past months and I can not wait to see how you change and grow in the coming year.  Your sister is pretty crazy about you too and even though you two have plenty of times where you are fighting (or biting)- at the end of the day you stick together. 

Today is pretty hard for me.  My BABY has turned two!  Pretty soon you'll be out of diapers.  Pretty soon your language will turn into fully understandable sentences and the guessing game will no longer be played.

You have been talking so much lately but at the same time your expressions are so telling that many times no words are needed.  Your face and one word sentences have many interpretations and none of them need a translation- it's clear how you feel.

Your smile is the sweetest! 

You keep us on our toes.  Whether you are emptying a box of Kleenex into the toilet or drawing on your legs with black marker- you are usually up to something.  Never because you want to be naughty, you just want to explore.  There is a lot to do!

You aren't the friendliest to others (mostly strangers) and have been known to actually hurt people's feelings because you will start crying if they even just look at you but when you decided that someone makes the 'OK' list, their in.  And they couldn't be more happy about it!

You love babies, push-toys (strollers, carts, etc), shoes and purses/bags.  Anything that makes you feel like a grown-up.

You are loving and polite.  Always giving kisses and hugs and saying Tank Ew.
You have always shown excitement by running in place or even going so far as to run up to daddy or I and latch on for a huge squeeze.

It's going to be fun watching you grow up (and I really am excited to see who you will turn out to be) but at the same time I would like you to stay my baby (my true baby- not just my youngest)....how about for just a little while longer?

Love you bunches!


Patience said...

Happy Birthday Hailey! Birthday advice for you: When you blow out the candles on your cake, wish for a baby brother!! :-)

Jennie said...

haha--I second that idea!

And sounds to me like Mom is sure going to miss having a baby around, so... ;-)