
Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Birthday Party- Princess Style

With the girls birthdays being so close it's always been important to me that they have their own birthday memories.  Last year it only made sense that Hailey would have her own birthday- after all it was her first!
This year I figured we could get away with a combined party.  It's alot to ask people (mostly family) to come to two parties a few weeks away at the end of summer, right after the school year has started.  Lives are just starting to calm down for people and we wanted to be sure to not add to the 'end of the summer' stress so one party it is!

We rented a huge princess castle bouncer for the party.  Before the party began the girls and I made our last Target run to finish up the grocery shopping.  When we were passing our house to pull up in the driveway I heard a scream come from the backseat (this was a I just something I LOVE scream).  "THE BOUNCER IS HERE!  LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!"

I parked the car, unbuckled Hannah from her seat and she was off.  Screaming and giggling the whole way.
Hailey was real excited to see what all the fuss was about so she went running in the back yard following her sister.  They turned the corner to the back yard to find this....

The girls bounced for a while, we ate lunch and then we actually got them to take naps (well, Hannah just rested- she was way too excited).

Guests started to arrive around 3:00pm.  We opened gifts, ate cake and ice cream, bounced and played.

Guests included
Grandma Chris and Tom
Grandma Judy and Grandpa Denny
Grandma Bauer and Uncle Bob
Jennie and Tom
Kim and Joe
Kristin (Bobby was at the Gopher game)
Jennifer, Tom, Courtney, Justin, and Adam
Grandma Joyce and Don
Stacey, Shane, Tyler, Carter, Maddie
Troy, Gretchen, Lindsay, Kiley
Loriann, Marlee, Talon
Karri, Greta, Courtney
Tammy, Josh, Riley, Noah, and Chloe
Brody and Chris

Brian made pulled pork sandwiches.  We had coleslaw, chips and dip, fruit and fruit dip, pickle dip, and beans.   I made the birthday cupcakes for Hailey and the birthday brownies (for the girl who wanted brownies, not cake, for her birthday treat.  "And mom, no frosting!")
The girls received so many thoughtful gifts.  Things that they are going to love!  Once again I was emotional about the fact that all of those people were there to celebrate those two little angels of ours.

The party was a success!

1 comment:

Patience said...

Wow - that looks like quite the party! The girls are just beautiful!