
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daddy's Little Buddy

After the disappointing Vikes game today Bri was looking for something to do.  I got a cure for that....my car sure is dirty :-) 
He went upstairs and I pulled out the computer to do some blogging.  I heard him and Hailey outside.  I could see that he got the slide out, the tricycle, the scooter, etc.  Not too many days of nice weather left- better enjoy them while we can.
I went outside to see them and find this....Daddy's little buddy, on her chair, hanging out watching daddy wash my car (thanks honey!). 

She loves being near him.  There is a whole yard of toys behind her and she would rather be hanging out watching him work.  


Patience said...

Toys schmoys! Watching Daddy work? Fascinating! Cute picture!

Jennie said...

Why's she just sittin' there, tell her to grab a sponge! ;-)