
Friday, September 16, 2011

Scrapfest- Day 1

September not only brings the first day of school, the girls birthdays, and the first day of fall but it also brings Scrapfest!

Scrapfest is just what the sign says- we met people from Chicago, Madison, the Dakotas, Missouri and heard there were people all the way from London.

Basically you pay a registration fee ($20) and that allows you to walk around the mall to the different vendor booths and do the make and takes.  Most of the vendors were showcasing their newest products.  Scrapbook celebs like Tim Holz, Amy Tan and Heidi Swapp would also be there doing demos and classes.

Shopping at the Rotunda

This is a view before the event started.  People get in line pretty early (us included)

The first day we made the following items

When we decided that we were going to Scrapfest we also decided that this year we would get a hotel room and stay Friday night.  This way we could be there all day Friday and Saturday and this year we wanted to sign up for one of the crops at the MOA store.  The day that registration opened, Tammy was on the phone - double-fisting.  Each time she called the line was busy and after 20 minutes she finally reached a human.  Must to her our disappointment, we learned that the crops were booked.  Tammy investigated a little longer and found out online that most hotels in the area were advertising that they would have a Cropping area set up in their hotel which would allow us to still scrapbook, we just wouldn't have a vendor sponsor in the room with us.

So when Scrapfest was officially over we booked it to our hotel to get checked in.  We wanted to be sure to get a spot so we agreed that before we ran to Target or stopped to get dinner we needed to stake out the room and claim our spots.  If it was really busy we would need to have one of us sit back and hold the spots until the others got back.

When we finally made our way to the cropping room this is what we found....

A little table with about 6 sheets of cardstock sitting on it.  I guess it was the hotel's best try at announcing that this would be the room we could use.  Did I mention the room was empty?

We were the only ones who used this room all night.  A few other stragglers came down and poked around looking to see what we were doing and three other ladies camped out in a room about this size next door.

As usual, I didn't get too much done.  I wasn't completely prepared so spent a lot of the night trying to choose paper, etc.

I did get three pages done and the way I see it, it is three more than were done yesterday!

1 comment:

Patience said...

Beautiful pages! I will look for the "You are my favorite" card in the mail. Ha ha.