
Thursday, September 29, 2011

I think somone is feeling better...

Hannah woke at 1:00 am last night/this morning.  "Owweee"  I went in to see what was the matter and said her tummy hurt.  I brought her to the bathroom, gave her some medicine and put her back to sleep.
2 hours later we were up again.  "Mommy, I puked!"  I entered her room to find her on all fours hovering over a pink pile of vomit.  As soon as I opened the door she said "I didn't puke on my Dankie or Dolphie this time."  Sure enough, she moved everything out of the way and was holding still until I got there to get her sheets off the bed.
We were up for a while changing sheets, etc. and finally got back to bed with puke-bucket in tow.  We had a few more meetings throughout the night and finally at 4:00 am I surrendered to the fact that I wasn't going to make it to work.
This is especially bad timing because we have a major project going live (I hope) in less than 2 weeks and I need to work every second that I can.  This is definitely going to set me back a few days. 

We sent Hailey to daycare without her sister and for the first few minutes of the dropoff she pouted with her adorable bottom lip.  I called to check on her later and Jackie assured me that she was just fine!  Whew!

After a day full of ginger ale, saltine crackers, naps, medicine, and a Justin Beiber movie Hannah was starting to feel better and wanted to send a picture to her daddy and Loriann.

Found something to do while waiting for me to get off of my conference call

YEP- looks like she is feeling fine to me!


Patience said...

It was likely Justin that healed her. An upcoming project go-live? Now I know what the lag in posts is all about! Good luck!!

Kari said...

Glad to hear that it didn't last long. I will try to update my blog a bit today so you have something to read in between emails and conference calls. :)