
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Another One Bites the Dust

Hannah has had a another loose tooth for a while now.  I almost forget because she isn't the type of kid to play with it all the time.  She doesn't try to gross us out by bending it forward or wiggling it too much.  She doesn't freak out about it until it's ready.
Tonight during supper she made a comment about how it hurt to bite down on food.   Then she showed us how wiggly it was and it was clear that this little guy was on his way out.
During supper we tried to pull it out a few times and each time as I tried to get a grip onto it she was wincing and acting as though it hurt so we would stop.
After supper we went back into the bathroom to try again.  This time when I went to grab it it fell right into my hand.  No pulling, no twisting, no blood, no tears.  Ok, well there were a few drops of blood and maybe a few nervous tears that turned into tears of relief and excitement but nothing much.

At the end of the night as she prepared for bed she asked if she could leave a note for the tooth fairy.
She placed the note and her tooth and then informed me that she was so excited to wake up because she just knew that the tooth fairy was going to leave her a Heath bar with some money.  
She couldn't wait!

I love having a wiggly tooth.  I love you.  Love, Hannah


The tooth fairy got the memo and delivered.  One king size Heath bar and one dollar.
Next up- the top tooth on her left side!

The girls also started Tball tonight.
This is Hannah's 2nd year (3rd round) and Hailey's first.  Thankfully they are on the same team so we can travel with one group as they practice.  This round is the instructional/skills round.  They will learn to throw, field, run bases, hit, etc.   They seemed to enjoy themselves but I have a feeling they are going to be bored with this in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Patience said...

Intriguing post.

Can I just say that I vote for you just skipping several weeks and calling it good? And then giving a big sigh of relief as you cross "month's worth of blog posts" off your to-do list?