
Friday, May 09, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

Sometimes I sneak into the girls rooms at night to give them one last kiss and snuggle before I go to bed.  Hannah is usually sound asleep just like I left her.  Hailey on the other hand is unpredictable.  She could be awake, asleep with gum in her mouth, naked, changed, completely under the covers, asleep shivering with no covers, upside down, have a bed full of toys, etc

When I entered her room I could see that her clothes had made their way to the floor.

When I got closer to her I could see why.  
There is a full princess gown under that blanket and do you see the crown?

1 comment:

Patience said...

Oh man, Violet and Hailey are soul sisters! Sometimes I wish I could video tape Violet at night, because there is almost always a late night party in her room before sleeping!