
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This girl gets around

This morning Lula was found tooling around the living room.
She had a few passengers with her including one of the Gingerbread ornaments (that Hannah has named Gingey).

I need to mention how nice the weather has been so far this winter.
It has been around 30 and 40 degrees for the past few days and it has felt great!
Today it actually rained.  Not the freezing rain that us Minnesotans are used to.  Not the kind that turns into ice over night.  Not the kind that falls as snow but then appears as 'rain' when it hits the ground.
Good ol' fashion rain.

I have to appreciate this.  Sometimes by this time of the year we are knee deep in snow. 
Not what my sister and family from Ecuador want to here.

Our time will come.  The winter will hit, the snow will come and be here to stay and within 48 hours of that time I will be longing for spring.  Today- I am content with this. 

P.S.  The family arrives on SUNDAY!!!!


Kari said...

I have to laugh, because this whole trip idea started with Nico saying, "It's not fair - I've never seen snow and Tin has!" and us thinking, you know, it's time for a winter trip for Christmas.

Then, when I heard it rained the other day, I told Nico not to be too disappointed if there was no snow, and he looked at me like I was completely looney and said, "Snow?! I don't want snow! Who would want snow?"

Of course, now he's convinced that we'll be going to the cabin and playing with his little golf club set... :/

Anyhow, any time you don't want snow, just send us tickets to come and you'll have a green Christmas, that's for sure!

Patience said...

What a lovely car Lula has! I'm glad the elfing business pays well enough for her to afford decent transportation. It HAS been a really mild winter. We have maybe a foot of snow here and the temperatures have been in the 20's and 30's - perfect weather for snow shoeing!

Jennie said...

Why IS it that every time Kari comes home, the weather is like the complete opposite of what she wants??

I can't say that I appreciated that 72 hour-no-daylight-wet-rainy GLOOM that plagued us the last couple of days. InJanuary? Sure...no, PLEASE! But right before xmas? The only time of year I welcome a little snow? Not a fan... :-/