
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is never going to happen...

I am going to start by admiting that I am not the most organized-do-things-ahead-of-time-with-plenty-of-time-to=spare type of person but I also don't feel that I am horrible.
I think Brian would disagree but that's ok.  It's all about perception :-)

I at least usually don't feel so unorganized.

This year.  I am a mess.

Not sure why Christmas seemed to sneak up on me.  It's the same date every year.  Everyone's talking about it, sending wish lists, comparing gift ideas, etc.

Here I am a few days before Christmas and of the 35+ people that I have to buy for, I am done shopping for 9 of them.  That means that I need every moment that I have left to finish up.

I don't want to get into it here but work has been crazy.  Things at home have been busy.  Kari and Andy are home which puts another spin on the anxiety level (will I see them enough, can I eat with them tonight, I should be stopping by, I should be calling, I should be spending time with my nephews more, etc, etc, etc).
Don't take that the wrong way- I wouldn't send them home if I could- it's just a mom-sister guilt thing, I guess.

I decided I needed to take some time off of work so that I could get this stuff done so Christmas could happen this year.
Today I had a meeting from 8:30-9:30 with a clinician that has been having trouble.  After that, the day would be ALL MINE :-)
Well, 9:30 came and went and at 9:45 we found out that his meeting was cancelled and he had more time to talk.  Somewhere around 10:50 Brian sent me a text telling me that Jackie just called.  Hannah is sick and needs to be picked up from daycare.


By the time I got home Hannah was feeling ok.  She has thrown up a few times but mostly just complains that her tummy hurts.  I soon find out that Jackson is also out sick today.

I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon working (don't lecture me.....) and then decided it would be best if I caught up on the blog.

That brings me to now, 1:55 pm.  Hailey will be waking up soon.  I am not one present closer to Christmas but DO have tomorrow off and hope to get a lot done - if the kids cooperate and stay somewhat healthy.

I can't lie....I am stressing out a little bit.
Not sure I can pull this one off.

Lula didn't help things this morning.  She sure made a mess last night :-)

Wish me luck!


AJ said...

Good luck!

Also, amazon.com. That's all I'm saying. Send it to their house!

Karri said...

I know how much you enjoy buying gifts for people, but maybe you guys could cut back? It definately makes for a calmer Christmas where you can relax and enjoy the company.

Patience said...

What a trouble maker Lula is! This is why I keep thinking, "I really need to start my shopping sometime in July - spread out the cost and the anxiety!" Never happens though.