
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Meet Lula

Meet Lula.  She was delivered on the front steps yesterday.

Lula is a pixie-elf.  She was sent from Santa to watch over the kids for the next few weeks.  Every night while the girls are sleeping she will fly back to the North Pole to tell Santa whether they were naughty or nice.
After all, how did you think he found out?!

After she has reported in for the night she flies back into our home and when the girls wake up they need to find her so that mommy or daddy can bring her back to the shelf where she will perch out and watch another day.

She was sent to us in this box with a book.  The book is her set of instructions.  First up- she needed a name.  Hannah came up with Lula.  I think it suits her just fine.

Secondly, the kids can talk to her but they are not to touch her and she can not talk back to them.  If she talks or is touched, she will lose her magic.  Without her magic she can't make it back to the North Pole and report to Santa.

Hannah spent most of the evening asking her questions and telling her all about our house and our family.

She was very curious as to how Lula was going to manage getting out of that box and out of the house so daddy showed her the door to the attic.  They agreed that that is probably how she gets out since it would be pretty hard for her to open the door since she is so small.

When the girls went to bed last night Lula was in the box.  When they woke up this morning she was sitting in the Christmas tree with a letter. 

Notice her kiss mark :-)

Wonder what Lula will be up to tonight?!


Kari said...

Oh, yes! I - I mean WE - totally need a Lula.

But a different name. Andres reminded me that Lula is the name of the president of Brazil, and apparently, he is NOT a fan.


Patience said...

My coworker asked if we do "Elf on a shelf" and I had never heard of such a thing, so it's quite funny to read this post. SO adorable and I can see how Lula would be a GREAT addition to any household!

Chris Miller said...

This gives true meaning to that old saying "Santa is watching you"!I would have really loved this little bit of bribery back in the day......

Jennie said...

You are TOO cute, with the letter and everything. I love the Elf on the shelf idea!! What a fun xmas tradition--only now I wish I had little ones to do this with haha. Think Tommy would be into it? ;-)