
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Never knew only 34 words could say so much

It's hard to know if we should be concerned or not.

Hailey turned two in September and she isn't talking much.  I guess I should add to that statement.  She talks A LOT but doesn't say that many words.  She is not a quiet girl.  She is vocal and she can understand ANYTHING you say.  Truly, no concerns from a comprehension standpoint at all.
You can sit with her with a book and ask her to point things out and there are very few things that she can't identify. 

At this age Hannah was speaking full sentences.  You could carry on a conversation with her and she was putting strings of words together.  It's pretty normal for a first child and espeically when that first child happens to be a little girl (who has a mother that likes to talk).  The doctor hasn't been concerned yet and said that it will come with time.  Comprehension is important and this little one has got that down!

The words in Hailey's current spoken language include mommy, daddy, Ah-Ha, Hah-he (Hanny/Hannah), no, yeah, hi, bye, ball, bowl, cut, green, good, blue, go, work, eat, more, cheese, here you go, right here, purple, bubble, baby, poo-poo, yuck, Bieb (yes- what you think it means), Ahhh man!, one, duckie, me, wa-wa (water), Emmy, song

She can string many of those words together to form sentences that everyone in this house can understand.  Add in her very expressive personality and I honestly think that if she never spoke another word (besides the ones listed above) she would be just fine.  She's pretty easy to read.

A few of my favorite things that she has been saying lately

"Ahhhh mom!  or Ahhhh dad!"  (said with the Come'On Man expression)
Turn a song on the radio and if she recognizes it she will yell out "Mommy!  Hah-he song!"
When I am putting her to bed she will grab my face and put her nose on mine and then say (in a sweet-demanding way) "Baby song."  I will ask which one and she responds "Baby, ahhhh".  Then I sing "Baby, Baby, Baby, ahhhhh like Baby, Baby, Baby, ohhhhhh, Baby, Baby, Baby thought you'd always be mine"  While the whole time she shakes her booty slowly from side to side while lying in my arms.

Somedays she will run to me like Lassie saying "Mom!  Hah-he wa-wa no ick"  I will ask "Is Hannah making a mess with the water?"  to which she will reply "Yeah".

She is into shrugging her shoulders a lot when she is talking or trailing off her sentences as if to say 'that's all'.  I am more and more amazed by her every day and somedays it takes every ounce of will power that I have in me not to pick her up and bite her to pieces.  Seriously.  I am not really into eating kids but this one could be an exception. 

Along with her adorable voice and kissable face, Hailey is such a sweet little girl.  She's the one who will walk up and hug and kiss you for no reason and then just walk away and get on with her day.  She loves to snuggle but usually on her terms- Hannah is game for snuggling at ANY time- Hailey needs to be in the mood but when she is, she's all in!


Jennie said...

Don't forget the endless words she can convey with one facial expression--those seem to say it all. :-)

Patience said...

I agree - no need to worry - she is a woman of few words! I think that is common with second children too, right? Maybe she's on the track to being a mime and she's giving it a go early to see if she really likes it... :)