
Friday, December 23, 2011

Let the shopping begin!

Brian and I are both off today which means that I can finish my Christmas shopping once the kids go down for a nap.  Woo Hoo!
I got most of my crafting done, just a few minor touches left.

The weather has been amazing still.  It has gotten to 39 degrees this week and we are still without snow.
I feel kinda sad- kinda.

It's even been nice enough weather for fishing.

I have to admit.  It was actually enjoyable being out in the crowds today.  The sun was shining, the people were happy.  Everyone was hustling and bustling around but they were all smiling. I am happy to report that as of 5:00 this evening (after waiting in the Walmart checkout line for over 30 minutes- ick) that I bought my last present.
The Parmleys are participating in Christmas after all!


AJ said...

Congrats on finishing!

I had to laugh a little bit when you were happy about it getting up to 39 degrees. I forget how warm that feels in Minnesota... Ah, how soon we forget.

Patience said...

Yay! Shopping is complete at long last! Now the relaxing and fun can begin.