
Friday, April 01, 2011

The best part

This girl loves her Dankie.

She loves to smell him.  She loves to snuggle him.  She loves to put him in her ear.

Tonight we were driving home from Target.  She found 'the best part' on Dankie (he was allowed IN the car for the ride but NOT in the store for shopping).
For fear of losing 'the best part' she asked if I would hold him while she got out of the car (this time no orders to not smell myself, although, I wasn't tempted either).
When we got in the house she was looking around - "here Dankie, you wait here".

She shoved 'the best part' in the cabinet handle so she wouldn't lose it...

She went potty...

and got her jammies on...

You hear me say it all the time but it is necessary for these situations.....

you can't make this stuff up!


Jennie said...

hahahaha, i love it. She was not letting me get off the phone yesterday without saying goodbye to Dankie as well.

Patience said...

Mike told me this story before I had a chance to read it and ... Wow, you're right, you CAN'T make that stuff up! That is hilarious!