
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Backseat Conversations

Mom:  "Hannah, how was your day today?  What did you do at Jackie's?"
Hannah: "It was fire drill day."
Mom:  "That's right, September 1st.  Tell me about it."
Hannah:  "We had a fire drill.   If you have a fire, you call 9-1-1.  You stay in your room and wait if you see fire out your room.  You should yell "Help, I am in here".  And then call 1-1-1.  The police will answer and help you."
Mom:  "Wow, that is some good information, Sweetheart.  What should you do if your clothes catch fire?"
Hannah:  "I not Sweetie-Heart.  I Hannah Elizabeth Parmley.  If you clothes have the fire you stop, drop, and roll (said while pointing to me with her middle finger and head titled as if actually giving me instructions that I wasn't aware of).  And wiggle your booty back and forth like this (insert demonstration)."
Mom:  "Did you talk about what to do if there is a storm?"
Hannah:  "Yes.  If there is a storm, you will hear 'Wooo, wooo, wooo', then you go downstairs and cover your head like this (insert demonstration)."
Mom:  *smile*  (wiping tears from eyes while watching her in amazement)


Jennie said...

HER FACE!!! hahahaha--what a good little listener, can't wait to hear it in person!

Jennie said...

"I not Sweetie-heart.....if you clothes have the fire"--hahaha, dyin here

Amy Elizabeth said...

She is hilarious! Tonight she continued to tell me that if there is a fire, you need to feel the door. If the door is hot, sit under your window and wait for the fireman. If the door is not hot, go outside, wait by the mailbox, and then we have a snack.

$340.....well worth it!

Jennie said...

hahahahaha, a snack at the mailbox!!!! hahaha--oh man, that is some GOOD STUFF!!!!

Jackie sure does make an impression on those little ones :-)

Chris Miller said...

She knew about 911 tonight at the Grandpa Dan show, too, when the policeman puppet came one.....Isn't she just amazing. If she is so smart about this stuff, what kind of information is she going to soak up and remember in school and in college? By then, she will put the rest of us to shame!