
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fritched Fratched @$%^*!

Why after 9 1/2 years does this dog decide to start acting up?!
Nash never used to counter surf. 
He never used to get into things that were on the counters.
Not that we left things out but if we did, we didn't have to worry.

Now, he is out of control.
It is like having a puppy around again.

This day he got into a FULL bag of semolina flour.  It is like corn meal so it is grainy and super fine and makes a huge flippin' mess.

Not to mention how bad the house has been smelling as this stuff works it's way out...


hris Miller said...

This reminds me of the time Toby decided to steal the plastic bag full of squid powder (from Stephanie Price's science project)and spread it all over my bedroom carpet. Talk about stinky and "the dog really did eat my homework!!"

Kari said...

Have you had him checked for diabetes? Didn't Buffy start doing things like that when she got sick? I think you should bring him to the vet and see if there is something else wrong than just wanting some attention. Poor Nash.