
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Must be a girl thing

Are babies just naturally a girl thing or what?!  It is hard to know whether Hailey loves babies as much as Hannah because she watches Hannah and is just copying her or if it is just natural for girls to adore their baby dolls.    Hailey got this baby for her birthday from Grandma Judy.  Hannah just happened to get the exact same baby from 'Grandma Joyce'.  Hailey carries this baby around with her...well, actually drags her, everywhere.


Jennie said...

what a sweet picture--and I used to preach the whole 'learned gender' argument, but so far I have seen two nephews adore trucks, and two nieces obsessed with babies since they exited the womb....not so sure anymore ;)

Kari said...

I agree with Jennie - I felt the same until I saw Agustin, no matter what we did, always always always gravitate towards trucks and robots and cars and loud noises. I have talked to so many parents who say the same. Andres is not a car guy, so it is just fun to watch how each kid sort of picks up his/her thing, but yes, there have to be some gender influences as well, IMO.