
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Ain't nothing going to slow me down

Oh No, I've got to keep on moving 
(You are singing it aren't you?)

Now that Hailey is moving around it is impossible to keep her still.  She has places to go and things to see...objects to put in her mouth, things around the house to touch, dog hair on the floor to collect all over her socks and legs.

This girl loves to crawl under things.  She will crawl under chairs and just sit and hang out there.  Many times we find her under the kitchen table or under the sofa table in the living room.  Most of the time she can get herself out but every so often she gets herself stuck.
This look on Hailey's face is classic.  This is my girl.
She has a smile that touches your heart and a face that can light up a whole room.
Just this week she started pulling herself up on everything!  if she can reach it, she will use it as leverage to pull herself to a standing position.   She hasn't started walking across the couch or anything yet but I wouldn't be surprised if she starts soon. 
Hannah didn't start walking independently until she was 13 months old, I am anxious to see when Hailey will start.

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