
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The end of an era

We have bought our last can of formula (at least for now). 
I bet you know where this is going...I am starting to sound like a broken record, huh?

Hailey can start drinking whole milk at 12 months. Since she will be just a week or two shy when this formula is done so instead of buying one more can, we will transition her to milk.  (she already steals swigs of Hannah's milk whenever she gets a chance so we know that her stomach can handle it)

For only $11.96 I could delay this next chapter in her life for another 7-10 days but that's all it would be, a delay. 

So, for the next week, each time I make a bottle I will think about how fast life is moving.  How quickly-just one year ago-that our lives were blessed with Miss Hailey Renee. 

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