
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is the job that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends
Sometimes I start to clean it up, not knowing what's in store
and then within a day I'm cleaning it some more
This is the job that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends...

Why is it that your kitchen counters become the 'catch all' to everything in your house.  This day the center island contained a gallon of paint (to finish that bedroom redecorate project), paint rollers, a computer, formula container, 2 deodorants, a note pad, a box of dog bones, a purse, a container of peanuts, hairspray, a dish rag, 35 cents, and a box of fruit snacks.
I could clean it off but it will just collect more stuff tomorrow.


Jennie said...

wow, impressed by the lamb chop jingle :-)

Patience said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with this problem. I see a major gap in your collection, however: junk mail! Where is that??

Chris Miller said...

Now I will not be able to get that song out of my head....it IS the song that never ends, you know.