
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mom, I'm talking

I was on the phone while driving to work the other day, talking to Brian.
Hannah was in the backseat calling for me.
Hannah:  "Mommy...Mommy...Mommy...Mommy"
Me:  "Hannah, just a minute please.  Mom is on the phone."
Hannah:  "Mommy....I am talking to you!"
Me:  (finish conversation, hang up phone)  "What Hannah?"
Hannah:  "I need some Rock and Roll.  I tried to tell you that."

Sure eough she was pretty picky about what she considered Rock and Roll.  None of that radio stuff worked.  She directed me to the visor in daddy's truck where I could find the 'good rock and roll'.  I pointed to each CD until she finally said "Yes!  That one!".  It was Aerosmith.

She spent the rest of the way to Jackie's 'rockin' out' in the backseat.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

she is her mother's daughter :)