
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Like mother like daughter

Hannah wanted to go for a walk.
I got out the stroller and started to get Hailey settled in, thinking that Hannah wanted me to push her and Hailey.  I turned around to tell Hannah to hop on and {not} to my surprise she already had her baby buckled in her stroller ready to go. 
We got to the end of the block and before I could tell Hannah to turn around so we could head back home, she had turned the corner and was briskly walking down the street.  "Come on, mama!  We going to the park."  Sure enough she was heading in the right direction.  Hailey and I had no choice but to follow her.  The brisk walk soon turned into a jog and the closer we got, the faster she went.
"I see it mama!"

You can imagine the looks and comments we got strolling up to the playground.
Everyone loved it and their little show didn't stop at the stroller.  They watched me take Hailey out of the stroller while Hannah unbuckled Soda...kissing her on the forehead on her way out.
Just another day feeling lucky to be this little girl's mama!

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