
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The last chapter

This is it.
Brian moved into this house in August of 1998.
I moved in Feb of 2000/2001-can't quite remember but it was the year Nash was born which should be easy to figure out once we have access to our stuff again.  Maybe I will come back and edit this part.  But then again, maybe I won't.  Those details aren't important.
In this house we fell in love and raised a puppy, we struggled for three years to start our family and finally we brought home our first child...and then another.  We celebrated holidays and spent time with our friends and family.  Our girls learned to walk and talk in this house.  We spent summers swimming in the driveway and falls jumping in the leaves.  We've had numerous dance parties and picnics on the floor. 
Brian had put so much time and energy into this house. Besides the basement carpet, I am not sure there was an inch in there that he hadn't improved.  From paint and tile to wood floors and new cabinets. New windows, a garage door and sprinkler system.  He built a shed and fence and upgraded the driveway,   Every summer he was praised by the neighbors for his beautiful lawn.
Although we both have worked at our same companies all this time, we have both had multiple job responsibility and salary changes.  We have seen promotions and furlows.
We have left the house empty while we scurried off to Vegas or spent the weekend at the cabin.

But it's time to say goodbye.
This is it.

We spent the day cleaning and packing,  Denny came over in the morning to help us with one last trip to the storage unit.  After that he took the girls back home with him so that we could finish.  As they drove away they looked out the window and waved.  Brian made trip after trip to storage with his truck while I packed boxes and cleaned rooms.  Even though for the past week the house felt empty, today things felt as though they were multiplying.  Room by room was emptied and got it's final cleaning.  The neighbor stopped over around 8 pm to say goodbye.  Around 8:45 pm we were finished and ready to make our final trip down the deck stairs.
The house was empty except for the keys, garage door openers and few pieces of mail laying on the counter.  This is it. Time to say goodbye.
I was alone in the house and as I walked over to turn off the dining room light I had a movie-like experience.  As my arm raised to reach the light switch I could hear Nash barking, kids calling for mom and laughter.  I stood there with my arm raised for a few seconds, looked around and then turned out the light.  Once the light went out the noises stopped.
That's when the tears started.

We had a good life here but it's time to make new memories.

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