
Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's time

I am  told that I will feel better by the end of today.
Stacey and Shane are coming over to help us get packed and also provide assistance with trying to figure out where and how to start.  

The day started with the girls finding Lula who had started to pack.  She had a box packed with a plate, package of light bulbs, grapes,an apple,band-aids, a dirty sock, one boot, a sucker and a brush.  

The Bustas arrived a little after 10 am.  Brian's dad also came to help.  The boys did all of the heavy lifting while Stacey and I started packing and making a plan.
Shane and Brian talked about which furniture to move from the house today and which pieces to leave until Thursday, our last day to move.  After only a few minutes Brian was convinced that we should get out as much as we can today.  So, the guys REALLY got to work.
Room by room they moved the furniture out while Stacey and I followed behind packing up the last of the items in each room.  It was a VERY productive day!

We can not thank Stacey and Shane enough for what they did for us today.
It was SO amazing to have their help and they worked hard!
We got all of the furniture out of the house- the only stuff left is the furniture in our bedroom, the mattresses in the girls rooms and the TV from downstairs.  We only have one cabinet of dishes/pans, etc.  Most of the food has been packed up.  All of the cabinets and closets are pretty much empty.  There is still enough to do but the next few days will be full of preparing for the holidays, celebrating the holidays and then one last day to pack and clean.  The stress level around here is pretty high but there was a sense of accomplishment after today.  It feels so good to be in the shape we are.  So glad we didn't wait until Thursday to move all of this furniture.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIENDS!!!

1 comment:

Patience said...

I hate moving. And it's amazing how you think, "Oh, there's hardly anything in here" and that turns into 25 boxes!