
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

I am glad I am not a bird

As I take the garbage out tonight and look at the birds nest that is resting on the downspout I felt a little anxious and sad.  So far this spring/summer season we have seen a momma bird lay eggs twice.  Within a few weeks after they hatch those birds are out of the nest.

You hear every parent make comments about how their kids grow up so fast- at least I am not a bird.   That really is a quick process.

Hannah will be five years old in about a month and I can't help but look at her and be amazed by the things she can do.

Things that a lot of kids can do and probably not a huge deal for a kid her age but people seem genuinely shocked/amazed when I tell them so I thought it would be good to document it here and look back when Hannah is a mom of her own to see if her kids follow in her footsteps.

She can tie her own shoes and double knot them.
She can put her own hair into a ponytail.  She likes to do side ponytails and pigtails (low ones).
She makes her own bed and takes showers.
She used to change her sisters diapers and gets her sister dressed.
She cleans the table after dinner and can pour her own milk.
Her newest trick is blowing bubbles with her gum.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I seriously cannot believe that Hannah will be 5 already! The time really does just zip on by. Definitely need to write more blogs about what they're doing at each age as that is priceless information later on (when you can't remember anything in terms of dates!).