
Sunday, August 26, 2012

"But she telled me..."

Today I was just getting ready to get into the shower when I heard the backdoor open and the sound of kids getting ready to go out.  I quickly got some clothes on and came out to see what was going on.  (Of course we don't let kids outside without parent supervision...)

Mommy:  "Girls!  What are you doing?!  Get in here!"
Hannah:  "We are going to put our plants outside and give them some water."
Mommy:  "You can do that later.  I need to take a shower.  Stay in this house until I am ready to go out and you guys are dressed."
Hailey, in the most wimpering voice:  "But she telled me to put it outside in the sun."

We eventually made it outside and started the watering and waiting game.  
I sure hope something sprouts in a couple of days.  I would hate to have to listen to the girls blame me that my 40 minute delay was the reason nothing happened.


Tammy said...

Look at that face! Oh mY!

Patience said...

That IS the cutest face ever! Doesn't your little heart just melt every time they pull one of those faces and voices out?!