
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not my idea of how to end the weekend

Think the Ibuprofen was working?  Thought maybe it was laced with  morphine :-)

There was a lot of crying.
We eventually arrived at St John's ER.
Xrays taken- came out negative.

Hannah had gotten into some trouble tonight.  Brian brought her to her room.  Turned and closed the door.  A few minutes later the crying- well screaming, started.  
10 minutes later Brian went to check on her and found her holding her arm.

The pain seemed to be in her shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, and forearm.
Yup, my thoughts too- where doesn't it hurt?!
I was concerned about Nurse Maid's elbow so I attempted to move her elbow back and forth.
It didn't seem to do anything and I was out of tricks so we made a trip to the ER.

My poor baby was a mess.  She was obviously in pain and was still too upset to talk about it.
By the time we saw the nurse she was able to remember that she had 'jumped' (I am guessing threw) herself on the bed.  When she landed she heard a crack and then her arm felt heavy.

I was glad to soon learn that it was not broken.  We made our way back home and checked in after midnight.  *sigh*  

We would end up staying home tomorrow due to the continued arm pain.  Monday the complaint was much closer to her wrist and by Wednesday the pain was pretty much gone.  Whew!

1 comment:

Patience said...

I like this story as it is a good reference for me should Violet "jump" in a similar way (only a matter of time). Hopefully that will be the end of jumping for a while....