
Friday, July 06, 2012

From 98 to 69 in 60

We have been having a run of some pretty hot days.  Today was one of them.
Lucky for us we were headed up north to the cabin.  Good idea?  Not sure yet.

The plan was to leave around 5:45 and meet in Pine City at Pizza Pub around 7:00.
When we left the house it was close to 100 degrees.  We knew that it would cool off as the sun went down and being on the lake it always feels cooler.  We have the lake to cool down if we need it and the cabin is air conditioned if it gets ridiculous.  Worse case- we are 75 minutes away and can head home at anytime.

Each mile that brought us closer to Pine City was delivered with a drop in temperature.  By the time we pulled up to Pizza Pub, the temperature was 69 degrees.  To some it felt freezing but to me, it felt great. 

Our home for the next few days

1 comment:

Patience said...

That had to be a refreshing temperature change! We have been having 70+ degree days here and I keep thinking, "Wow, it's hot!" I don't know how you managed two pregnancies in the Minneapolis summers!!