
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Just Ten Minutes

Sometimes you need just 10 minutes.  
10 minutes to just be alone and do whatever YOU want to do.
 As a working mom I feel like most of my time isn't mine.  There are demands all day from people at work, I fight traffic to get home and once I am in the driveway it's go time.  
I realize that I am not the only one that feels this way.  We all have demands and things that pull us in multiple ways.  Brian is constantly feeling the tug from work and the poor guy can't even take a day off without being woken by a text or phone call.So I am not looking for a pity party or think for one minute that 'nobody gets it'.  Life is demanding and that's just the way it is.

Since moving into our new house I have had more time to myself than I can remember since the kids have been born.  They have made lots of friends and have even started 'playing' in their rooms.  They spend time in their loft or outside riding bikes and scooters up and down the block. 
Tonight they went to their friend Vanessa's house and after a while Brian walked down there to meet the neighbors on that side of the neighborhood.  I stayed home and although I felt a wee bit unsocial it was pretty amazing to sit out on the porch and watch a show on the iPad.

The new season of Orange is the New Black has been released and I have been anxious to get started on the series.  And just for the record, drinks taste so much better when you are on the porch!

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