
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What a sweatheart!

Hailey is such a sweet little girl.
She has been so sensitive lately and can cry on demand.
She is starting to get more and more observant and you can see her soaking things in.

Last night when I picked her up from daycare I announced our plan for the evening "Hailey, when we get home we have to put together a few Halloween treats for your friends at dance, get changed, eat supper, go to dance and then home to bed.  Got it?"
Hailey:  "Yes.  You got treats for dance cwass? (class)"
Me:  "Yep"
Hailey:  "What did you buy dem?" (them)
Me:  "Mike and Ike treats and then some candy for your teachers too.  Nothing fancy but at least you and Hannah can both bring a treat for your friends."
Hailey "Thank you mommy.  WAIT!  Mom, my friend Caylee can't have sugar.  Member, she has DB's (Diabetes)!  Her need Tic Tacs! We better get her those."

So proud of that little one

So we made a quick little stop to the gas station to pick up a pack of Tic Tacs because she is right, Caylee does have Diabetes and eats orange Tic Tacs as her 'treat'.

That night at dance it came time to hand out the treats and Hailey reached into her pumpkin bucket to pull out the Tic Tacs for Caylee.  Her face lit up!  She was so happy that she got a special treat!

It's so important to me that my girls grow up being good to people.  Think of others and be thoughtful.  I would say that we are headed in the right direction!

Hannah's dance class- Hailey's group was too excited to pose for a group picture

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