
Friday, June 24, 2011

Technology 0 Humans 1

While working at home today, in JUNE, I was listening to iTunes. 
My question to iTunes today: if you are smart enough to recognize my phone vs iPod vs Brian's phone vs Hannah's iPod vs the iTouch, and smart enough to set the time yourself as to when each song was last played, how many times it has been played, smart enough to recommend other songs based upon the songs that are in my library- then why oh why are you not smart enough to NOT play Xmas music during the shuffling of music?!
It's JUNE- you know that.  Why would I want Xmas music?!  and it's not even the Osmonds.... you claim to know me...


Patience said...

MAYBE it really IS brilliant. Maybe it is tapping into your unconscious desire to move Christmas to July. In which case, you need to amend the title to Technology: 1 Humans: Need Therapy.

Jennie said...

hahahaha, i love it. I have these 'if you're smart enough to __, than you should be smart enough to ___' all the time :-)

Tell me how we can put a person on the moon, when we can barely fight a pimple??