
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I need to get over this...

Do you ever do something and then realize how ridiculous you are?
I feel that way sometimes when I am deleting photos from my phone.
I take LOTS of pictures on my cell phone.  They are not good quality, they are nothing that I would want to print for a scrapbook or photo album.  Usually I use my phone to snap a quick picture for something that I want to blog about and since the quality is soooo bad I take lots of the same thing so that I have many to choose from.  Then I go through them every so often and realize that I have way too many on my phone (264 at the moment) and some need to get cleared out.  So far so good.  Then the big-huge-in-your-face-red-delete-this-memory-forever button shows up and for a few seconds I freeze.

The conversation in my head goes like this...
"You don't need this one, you blogged about this night already."
"But then again, look at it.  It's daddy and his girls and their shadows, what's the big deal if I just email it to myself to print or keep somewhere."
"Oh my gosh- I can't believe I am actually stopping to think about this- just delete it already!"
"But once it's gone, it's gone.  I can't get it back."
"It's not like you are deleting them, they are still here, it's just the picture.  You have millions. This is why you have the stress in your life that you have cause you can't let go- just delete this and move on, we have spent way too much time on this."
"Stop being crazy, let it go."
"I should really blog about this...."


Kari said...

hahahaha, it's so true! But remember - the pictures will mean more (in the future) if there aren't as many. I don't mean don't take them, but definitely be selective. No one (even you) will really want to go through a file of 40,000 pictures 20 years from now, many of which are blurry or impossible to see... :) My two cents.

but I do the same thing, so advice for myself as well!

Kari said...

But you're right, they need to get rid of that big red thing. It is too scary and doesn't help picture collectors like ourselves!