
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sweet Baby Girl

My Hailey.  Such a sweet little girl.  
I am always surprised by what I find when I come in to wake her up.

She always has something in her bed or under her pillow.  Her room never looks the same in the morning.  Toys have been moved or her clothes have been changed.
I think when I put her to bed that she is actually laying down and trying to sleep however, I know that it's all a trick. She lays there and waits until I walk away and then she does her thing.
I wonder if she has a plan ahead of time or if she just gets up and sees where the night takes her.  At what point is she actually tired and then decides that she probably should lay down and try to sleep?

1 comment:

Patience said...

I think you should put the baby monitor in there and watch her. I am sure it would be hugely entertaining!