
Sunday, September 07, 2014

Hannah's Day

Kimmy called and wanted to know if she could come and pick up Hannah to take her out for a special day.
She wants to do the same for Hailey in a few weeks too.
My girls LOVE their aunts and look forward to any minute that they get to spend with them.  Hannah about lost her mind when she found out that she was going to be spending a whole day with her. And BY HERSELF?!  This is like Christmas!

Kimmy came to pick her up and although Hailey was pretty upset, she understood that she would get her own special day too.

Kimmy and Hannah started their day getting pedicures, they had lunch, went shopping, ate frozen yogurt and then headed to the park.  Hailey and I had made a special trip to Cherry Berry and then met Kim and Hannah at the park to end the day.

Hannah's school playground has a Buddy Bench.  Hannah told us all about how it works.  If a kid wants to play with someone or is feeling lonely, they can sit on the bench and then kids will come over and play with them.  When we asked her if she ever sees kids here she said "Of course!"  then we asked what she does when she sees kids here and she responded so matter of factly with "I come to get them to play of course".

Hannah had such a special day with Kim.  I know she will never forget these times and I know that my girls will ALWAYS have close relationships with their aunts.  It's so comforting to know that.

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