
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Special Delivery....all the way out to the island?!

We got a special delivery today!  Lots and lots of rocks!  Looks like this maybe the week that we start to see this project come alive!!!!!  We can't wait. One step closer to a yard.  One step closer to grass and one step closer to no more dirt piles!  At least until we start getting some neighbors.

I was hanging out on the porch tonight when all of a sudden Hailey came tearing around the corner with Zoe, the neighbor's dog.  They were going for a walk.  Pretty impressed that they trust her to manage her on the leash- although Zoe is a little peanut so Hailey should be able to handle it :-)

Mary sent me a text tonight telling me to come over up to her room.  She was in her bedroom office listening to the kids play in the backyard.  They were playing Survivor.
They had split into teams and were making up challenges.  They each had a 'camp' set up.

At one point the competition got a little too serious and they started arguing.  Some of the kids were getting pretty upset and others were trying to keep the peace.  Mary and I both felt sort of bad sitting upstairs listening to it all however as she reminded me a few times, they needed to work it out.  And after all, nobody was really being malicious.  Eventually Joe made his way out and after a pep talk and a team cheer, the kids were back to their game.  Our neighbor, George who is 13, did a great job talking to the kids about how they should treat each other and kept trying to redirect them when they would start bickering again.
He's such a great kid and our kids are lucky to have a teenager like him to look up to.

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