
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Color me green

It happens every August.
The water turns green.  This is not just your 'dirty-lake-water-greenish-ick', this is paint green.
Since we couldn't swim today we decided a boat ride was in order.
I love walking down to the lake and seeing this view.  The family working together to get the boat packed up and into the water.  LOVE these people!
SEE told ya!  Nasty, right?!

That night we had a little fun with the kids.
We started by having Kim lay down and then Jennie straddled her.  We covered everything up with blankets except for Jennie's top of her body and Kimmy's legs.  So picture, Jennie's body using Kim's legs and then 'Jennie's legs' being able to do crazy things- like go straight in the air while she was still sitting up.  Running in place on one leg while the other leg is shaking, etc.
The kids got a kick out of it and wanted to get in on the action.
Next up: Steve
I was laying upside down on the couch and covered in blankets- except for Steve.
 Why the name Steve? Meh- no particular reason, just what we came up with.
The kids came out and Kimmy introduced them.  They all walked over, giggling, and looking at my knees.  I couldn't see anything so figured they were seeing what they were suppose to.
Then I heard Kim say "No, guys, he's down here."
They FREAKED out!
Laughing, screaming, laughing and screaming.
At one point Hailey asked grandma if that was really Steve, she was a little nervous about the whole thing.  After a few minutes I got up and they could see how this whole thing came together.
Hailey was still pretty nervous, came walking over to me to check things out.  She touched my chin and then demanded that I wipe that off.
The night ended with a 'levatation' by Kimmy.  Another crowd pleaser- couldn't get a picture due to the angle I was sitting :-(

1 comment:

Patience said...

LOVE the kid fun! I really love how fun and acceptable it is to do childish things again now that we have kids!