
Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't break the ice

When I caught a glimpse of this icicle today it reminded me of winter as a child.

If you stood on the front sidewalk at my mom's house and looked at the top-right hand corner of the house, you would see a very large and very thick icicle hanging.  I haven't actually seen it there this year but I would bet it is there.
I used to love knocking that icicle down.  Thinking about it now it makes me quiver thinking about how dangerous that could have been. 
Still to this day when I see large icicles, I want to knock them down. I can't really explain what it is about it but it is that sort of feeling that you get when you have bubble wrap in your reach.  You just can't resist.
Sad to say the warm weather got to this guy before I could.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

YES!!! hahaha, we are in SYNC today--I have been meaning to take some pictures of the mammoth icicles I've seen--and I remember that exact spot at mom's too! :-)