
Monday, April 05, 2010

Look real close...

Look real close and you can see Hannah.  Right behind the second cone.  You might not recognize her, it's her back.

When we were at the outlet mall this weekend she saw that they had a few little rides (see them?  way out there).  She asked if she could ride on them and I told her she could after we went into two stores.
While in the second store she asked again if it was time to go on the rides.  I told her as soon as we left the store she could go on the rides.
Now for you moms out there, you know how tricky it can be pushing a stroller with a toddler hanging onto the side and leaving a store.  You do the turn around, back out, and then pull the stroller out quickly- move before the heavy door crunches your child (thank goodness for those strong car seats!).  I told Hannah to wait in the store for me, I wrestled with the door and once I was out I turned back to see Hannah walking backwards out of the store.  She was copying me, it was so cute.  And then, before I knew it, my two year old little angel started walk-running as fast as she could, you know that walk-run where she knows she isn't suppose to be running so she is acting like she is walking.  Long strides, arms by her side, chin down, but moving fast.  Like a woman with a purpose!

Where was she going?  She saw the rides.

That moment made me want to break out in tears.  So many emotions wrapped up in the little moment watching her.  She looked so grown up at that moment, she never even turned around once to see if we were following her, she had a place to be.

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